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Creating a PDF file
If you are going to arrange the layout yourself, we would prefer to receive a PDF file. Depending on your software and operating system, there are several options.
You can request or download our manual for extensive information on creating a proper PDF file.
Use of the following software is dealt with in the manual:
PDFCreator (Windows)
You can use this free software to create a PDF file.
Download PDF Creator Download instructions
Has a good PDF maker by default, so it is not necessary to download additional software.
Download instructions
Adobe Acrobat Pro
You can obtain a 30-day trial version of the original software. Please bear in mind that you will have to buy the software after 30 days if you wish to continue using it.
Adobe has a website where you can download the trial version.
Download Acrobat Pro trail Download instructions
Adobe InDesign
You can use the Export function in InDesign to create a PDF file.
Download instructions