Customer Service
How can we help you?
Frequently asked questions
What are the options for the look of my book?
We have various types of paper for the inside pages and cardboard for the cover. There are also various applications for embellishing the cover. Since the possibilities we offer are many, we have not shown all options in the offer request.
How long does the process of printing the thesis take?
The process can take three to five weeks, depending on the specifications of your order and on services like layout and design. Of course this process can be accelerated. For faster delivery, please contact us. On this page, we also provide a tool with which we can give you an indication of the duration of delivery.
How should I submit my thesis for layout?
We would like to receive the text in a Word document.
Which elements can be styled in the layout?
In our Complete (Plus) packages for the inside pages, you can have the entire thesis styled from A to Z, including:
- Font, size, and line spacing
- Use of headlines
- Headers and footers
- Table of contents
- References
- Tables
- Indexes
- Title pages of chapters
How should I submit my figures and images for the layout?
You can leave the figures as a reference in the Word document. We also want to receive these figures separately, as close to the source as possible so as to retain the best possible quality. The format of these separate files may vary (e.g. PDF or TIFF documents).
Which quality is required for the figures?
The optimum quality or resolution for images and figures is 300 DPI. Figures can also be submitted as vectors in their respective sources (e.g. EPS documents or EMF from PowerPoint).
How should I submit tables?
You can leave the tables in the Word document. These tables should consist of rows and cells. We can import these tables into our software and adjust the styling accordingly.
How long does the layout process take?
This depends on the package you choose and the creativity required. Our standard packages take several working days. Our Complete (Plus) and total packages may take two or three weeks. Check our planning tool to get some idea of how long the entire process takes.
How can I get my ideas across?
Depending on the package you choose, we have templates and examples for you. Together with the designer you can take stock of your wishes. These wishes will be made into a layout concept.
I have a specific idea. How should I go about it?
We work with in-house as well as external designers. We can decide which designers would be perfect for your wishes and ideas.
How many corrections can I indicate?
In our packages, 30 minutes are reserved for author corrections, for instance with respect to spelling errors or other inconsistencies. We recommend that you check the Word document carefully before sending it to us. This will lead to fewer corrections, and it will save you time while checking the concept and the entire layout.
Is short run book printing possible at Ridderprint?
We can print books in short runs. In both softcover and hardcover version.
How should I submit my book?
As a PDF file. You will find more information in our manual.
How long does the process of printen the book take?
The process can take two to four weeks, depending on the specifications of your order and on services like layout and design. Of course this process can be accelerated. For faster delivery, please contact us.
What are the costs of having a book printed?
The costs for book printing depend on your wishes such as print run, number of pages, extra services etc. If you request an offer from us, we will contact you to discuss the the costs based on these wishes.
When am I eligible for a group discount?
If five or more people have their thesis printed by us, they will be eligible for a group discount. The discount percentage depends on the number of people in the group. Please contact us if you need any further information.
How can I apply for an ISBN?
If you want to register your book, an ISBN will be required. With this number, your book will be listed in a database that is recognised world-wide.
Please state this wish when you apply for the quotation for having your book printed. We will need some information from you in order to be able to submit the application. The costs for this ISBN application are €25, exclusive of 9% VAT.
How do you send and deliver the thesis?
After production, we pack the theses in handy boxes. These boxes are sent by an overnight courier. This courier collects the theses one working day before the delivery date agreed on. On the next day, he will deliver the theses between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The shipment is normally delivered to the University. This is more practical, as someone needs to be present during office hours.
Can I make changes after I have received the proof?
The idea of the proof is that you can check it and make any changes necessary. The time you need for doing this properly is taken into account in the planning. After you have checked the proof, we look forward to receiving your approval for the final files.
Can I view a proof of my thesis?
During the process, you will receive a proof of the thesis. It comes as a paper proof as standard, which you can check for quality and content. In the event of urgent delivery or if you do not have the possibility of receiving a paper proof, we will send you a digital proof in PDF by e-mail. This aspect will be discussed and agreed when your order is planned.
I create the cover myself. How should I calculate the spine width?
We have a handy calculation tool for this on our customer service page > calculate spine width
What are the options for the look of my thesis?
We have various types of paper for the inside pages and cardboard for the cover. There are also various applications for embellishing the cover. Since the possibilities we offer are many, we have not shown all options in the offer request. If you want to be informed of all options, please contact us without obligations.
With the offer request you can also apply for our manual. Our standard paper types are included as examples. Some applications have been used on the cover of this manual.
Can I have my thesis designed?
You certainly can. On our layout page, you can view our packages.
Where should I send my files?
With your order you will receive login details to our portal, where you can submit the files.
Can I submit my thesis in A4 size?
Of course, you can. We reduce the PDF you submit to 81%, the thesis size of 17 x 24cm. Further details are provided in our manual.
How should I submit my thesis?
If you are making the thesis yourself, we need the files as a PDF. This is explained in our manual. Software and instructions are also available on our customer service page.
If you are interested in a layout, there are different specifications. Look at our layout page for the conditions and options.
What are the costs of having a thesis printed?
The costs for thesis printing depend on your wishes such as print run, number of pages, extra services etc. If you request an offer from us, we will contact you to discuss the costs based on these wishes.
How long does the process of printing the thesis take?
The process can take three to five weeks, depending on the specifications of your order and on services like layout and design. Of course this process can be accelerated. For faster delivery, please contact us. On this page, we also provide a tool with which we can give you an indication of the duration of delivery.