
ISBN aanvragen EN

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Check with your university what the rules are for an ISBN or DOI number. For the findability of the thesis, a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as an identifier is more important nowadays. Ridderprint does not provide a DOI number but, we can do the ISBN application for you. After making the request from your portal, the ISBN will appear on the specifications page in your portal within about 2 days.
  • The cost per ISBN are € 25 ex. 9% VAT. Paperback and Ebook are two different ISBN numbers.
  • Please fill in the complete form, otherwise we will not be able to submit a request.
  • Your ISBN is visible in about two days on the 'specifications' page in your Ridderprint portal. Add the number into your file(s) or send the number to your designer.
  • Is the ISBN after two days not visible yet? Please contact first before sending a new request.
  • Don't wait for the ISBN to upload your file(s). You can add the ISBN after you have received the testprint.
Publication date *

NUR Code

Nur code

Is derived from the subject of your book. You can download a PDF list HERE. Or search for it online HERE

Voorbeeld NUR-codes:
  • People and society: 740+ series
  • Psychology: 770+ series
  • Economics: 780+ series
  • Medical and medicine: 870+ series
  • Biology: 922+ series

Your ISBN is visible in about two days on the 'specifications' page in your Ridderprint portal. Add the number into your file(s) or send the number to your designer.
If the ISBN is not visible after two days? Please contact first before sending a new request.
